Dental extractions may be needed for a number of reasons. Prior to orthodontic procedures, your dentist may request that teeth need to be extracted, to make room for the movement of the teeth. Another common extraction reason is wisdom teeth needing to be removed. Some people never experience this surgery, but many do – commonly because the average mouth does not have room for these extra teeth. And of course, there are cases where teeth need to be removed because they have decayed beyond repair. No matter the reason for an extraction of the teeth, your dentist will be able to take care of this need.
Tooth extractions are a common procedure for dentists and their team to complete. It is typical that during an extraction, a dentist will sedate their patient to ensure an easy procedure. Sedation may be used because patients tend to get squirmy and nervous when they know a dentist is yanking a tooth from the mouth. Sedation will make the procedure go smoothly for the dentist, so nothing in the oral cavity becomes damaged, and easy on the patient, because the sedation will calm their nerves.
It is important to understand that extractions should always be taken care of by a dental professional. You should never attempt to pull your own teeth, as it may cause serious damage to other teeth, the jawbone, or the soft tissue. Seeing a dentist when you believe you may need a tooth removed from the oral cavity is the safest bet for you and your mouth.
If you are in a situation where a child is losing a baby tooth, it is normal to have the tooth removed at home, as long as it is a relatively sterile environment, and the child is under parental supervision as the extraction is occurring. This will ensure the child is not going to harm their gums or bone.
If you believe you would benefit from a dental extraction, contact your dentist. They will be able to schedule you an appointment to check out the site, and if anything needs to be done, they will be able to take care of it at this time, as well.
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